
Best Electric Scooters for 12-Year-Olds

by Jude Requiz on May 29, 2024

Best Electric Scooters for 12-Year-Olds

Looking for the best electric scooters for 12-year-olds? It's all about safe and fun riding. The Isinwheel tops our list as a scooter that grows with your kid, from little tikes to pre-teens, giving them the perfect balance of safety and excitement.

We've picked out scooters that are easy to use, last a long time, and can keep up with your child's daily play.

Find the perfect scooter for neighborhood rides or park trips and watch your child enjoy hours of fun. 

Defining the Best Electric Scooters for Kids

When choosing the best electric scooters for kids, consider features that enhance both fun and safety. Look for scooters that deliver on durability, performance, and design tailored to young riders, especially those around 12 years old.

Innovative Features and Quality

Innovative Features:

  • Safety First: Top scooters come with essential safety features like reliable brakes, effective reflectors, and a sturdy frame, ensuring your child's well-being is never compromised.
  • Battery Life and Motor: They're equipped with long-lasting batteries and efficient motors that balance speed and power, making every ride both thrilling and secure.

Quality and Durability:

  • Materials: High-quality materials like aircraft-grade aluminum contribute to the durability and longevity of the scooter, so your investment stands the test of time and play.
  • Manufacturing Standards: Best electric scooters adhere to strict manufacturing standards, showcasing excellent craftsmanship that can withstand the typical wear and tear from kids.

Evaluating Performance and Safety

Performance Parameters:

  • Speed: A suitable electric scooter has a moderate top speed that provides excitement without compromising safety, ideal for a 12-year-old's capability.
  • Ride Time: Sufficient riding time per charge ensures your kids can enjoy extended fun without frequent interruptions for recharging.

Safety Measures:

  • Brakes: Reliable and accessible brakes are critical, giving your child complete control over their movements to prevent accidents.
  • Protective Gear: Always pair the use of electric scooters with necessary helmets and protective gear to minimize risk during falls or collisions.

Also read: How to Ride an Electric Scooter: A Beginner's Guide

Age-Appropriate Designs

Design Considerations:

  • Size and Adjustability: Scooters should have adjustable handlebars and frames that cater to kids' varied heights and growth spurts, ensuring a comfortable fit for a wide age range, including 12-year-olds.
  • Fun Factor: Integrating fun aspects like colorful designs or LED lights can make these scooters more appealing to young riders, encouraging them to stay active and outdoors.

Top Picks for Electric Scooters

When selecting the ideal electric scooter for a 12-year-old, consider factors like safety features, ride time, max range, and whether the model offers a smooth ride that matches a tween's growing need for independence. Below are curated options that cover a variety of preferences and requirements.

Featured Electric Scooter: Isinwheel Long-Range 3-Wheel Electric Scooter

Our top pick, the Isinwheel Long-Range 3-Wheel Electric Scooter, promises a balance of safety and fun. It's designed to grow with your child, offering an adjustable handlebar and a comfortable ride.



Age Range

Suitable for ages 3-12, offering longevity of use.


Controlled speed for safety yet sufficient for enjoyment.


Adjustable and versatile to grow with your child.


Equipped with features that prioritize rider safety.


Optimal Choice for Overall Experience

The Razor E100 Electric Scooter stands out for its ability to deliver a steady, smooth ride. It's constructed with a durable frame and an electric motor that's suitable for both beginners and more experienced young riders.

Budget-Friendly Options

For an affordable choice, consider the Swagtron SK1. It’s known for its ease of use and safety features – a sensible choice for those looking for quality without a high price tag.

Splurge-Worthy Investments

If luxury is a priority, the Segway models of kids' electric scooters, like the Ninebot eKickScooter ZING C20 offer advanced technology and superior performance for those willing to invest more in premium features.

Extended Range for the Long Haul

Longevity on the road is key for some, and the GKS Lumios Electric Scooter delivers an impressive max range per charge. This means your tween can enjoy prolonged ride time without frequent recharging.

Suitable for the Growing Tween

Adjustable handlebar height and a folding mechanism make certain models like the Razor Power Core E90 a perfect match for tweens who are still growing.

Factors to Consider Before Purchasing

When selecting an electric scooter for your 12-year-old, consider performance, safety, and design features that ensure a secure and enjoyable ride.

Assessing Scooter Specifications

Examine motor power and top speed closely, as these influence performance. A maximum speed of around 10 mph is ideal for this age group.

Verify the maximum load capacity to ensure the scooter can comfortably handle your child's weight.

Battery and Charging Considerations

Check the battery life and charge time, as these determine how long and how often the scooter can be used. A good battery should provide a balance between decent riding time and reasonable charging duration.

Also read our guide: How to Charge an Electric Scooter: Step-by-Step Guide

Safety and Supervision

Prioritize scooters with robust safety features such as reliable braking systems and helmets. Ensure there are options for parental control to supervise your child’s use, keeping them safe while they ride.

Comfort and Adjustability

Handlebars should be adjustable to fit your child's height perfectly, ensuring comfort during rides. Seats, if present, must also offer adjustability and adequate cushioning.

Design and Portability

Opt for scooters with an aesthetic that appeals to pre-teens. Design elements like colors and patterns should align with your child's taste. A lightweight folding mechanism adds convenience for storage and transport.

Also read our article: The Accessories You Will Need for Your Electric Scooters


The search for the best electric scooters for 12-year-olds centers on three pillars: safety, performance, and a dash of style. The Isinwheel stands out as a superb all-rounder, scaling with your child through the years while stressing rider safety.

Each scooter on our list is scrutinized for quality, ensuring that your child's experience is not only exhilarating but also secure. Consider these thoughtfully selected options as your guide to finding an electric scooter that promises to deliver smooth rides and joyful memories for your growing tween.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the recommended motor power for electric scooters for 12-year-olds?

The ideal motor power for electric scooters suitable for 12-year-olds generally ranges between 100W to 250W, providing a good balance of speed and control for young riders.

How important is the weight of an electric scooter for a child's use?

The weight of an electric scooter affects both the portability and the ease of handling by a child. Lighter models are easier for a 12-year-old to manage and transport, especially if they need to carry the scooter over obstacles or upstairs.

Are there electric scooters that come with adjustable speed settings for children?

Yes, some electric scooters feature adjustable speed settings that allow parents to set a safe maximum speed for their children, providing an extra layer of safety and adaptability as the child's riding skills improve.

Can electric scooters for kids be ridden in wet conditions?

While some electric scooters are designed to handle light wet conditions with water-resistant features, it is generally advised to avoid riding in the rain or through puddles to ensure safety and prolong the life of the scooter.

What safety certifications should I look for when buying an electric scooter for my 12-year-old?

When purchasing an electric scooter for your child, look for certifications that ensure the product has passed safety tests, such as UL2272 certification for electrical systems and battery safety, or compliance with ASTM standards for toy safety.

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